Open doors

Through our Program of Visits, we open the doors of our facilities to receive those who want to visit Atucha I-II and Embalse nuclear power plants.

This activity allows visitors to learn about all aspects related to the operation of the plants. The visits offer an introductory talk and a tour of the main facilities by specialized guides.

More than half a million people toured Argentina's nuclear power plants throughout its long history. The visits are aimed at schools, institutions and national and international organizations, as well as individuals.

The tour is free and places are limited.

Inquiries and reservations:

Atucha Nuclear Complex: +54 9 11 5129-5600/5700 Ext. 44242 -

The quota for the guided tours for the current year is full. The next dates will be announced from February next year.

Embalse Nuclear Power Plant: +54 03571 486001