Atucha I Nuclear Power Plant began its construction in June 1968 and became the first nuclear power plant in Latin America. It was connected to the National Electric System on March 19, 1974 and began its commercial production on June 24 of that same year.

Atucha I is located on the right bank of the Paraná de las Palmas River, 100 km from the city of Buenos Aires in the town of Lima, Zárate District.

Its current gross electrical power is 362 megawatts of electricity.

Although it is the first Argentine power station, all its safety systems have been updated and comply with local and international requirements. Since 2008 to date, Nucleoeléctrica has been executing Atucha I Life Extension Project; the completion of this project will allow its operation to be extended for an additional twenty-four years at full power.

informacion tecnica atucha 1


. Type of reactor: SIEMENS pressure vessel.
. Thermal Power: 1.179 MWt
. Gross Electric Power: 362 MWe
. Moderator and Coolant: Heavy Water (D20)
. Fuel: Slightly enriched Uranium (0.85%)



On June 1, 1968, the construction of Atucha I Nuclear Power Plant, a pioneer in Latin America, began.

1968 atucha 1


It was connected to the National Electric System on March 19, 1974, and began its commercial production on June 24 that year, becoming the first nuclear power plant in Latin America.

1974 atucha 1


During 2007, with a load factor of 93.10%, it exceeded its best percentage record obtained in the 1997 generation period with 92.91%.

2007 atucha 1

How does it work